イッツガーデンのこだわり The Distinctiveness of It's Garden

1 農薬不使用・無添加(No Additive)


The most important focus of It's Garden lies in being pesticide-free. We aim to provide marmalade made from delicious and healthy oranges, ensuring its safety. This aspiration led us to prioritize pesticide-free cultivation.


With the intention of allowing you to relish the authentic flavor of sun-kissed summer oranges, we use freshly harvested summer oranges.

2.世界大会プロフェッショナル部門連続金賞受賞 (Award-winning)

マーマレードにも世界大会があるのです! その名も…ダルメインワールドマーマレードアワード。 イギリスのダルメインで2006年から始まり、今では世界40カ国から3000を超えるマーマレードが出品され、名実ともに世界最高峰を決める大会となっています。

Did you know that there's a global competition for marmalade? Its name is the "Dalemain World Marmalade Awards."

Starting in 2006 in the United Kingdom, the "Dalemain World Marmalade Awards & Festival" is a contest dedicated to marmalade. Marmalade from over 40 countries around the world is submitted, with more than 3000 entries. This contest has truly established itself as the pinnacle of marmalade excellence on a worldwide scale.

2018年, 初めて出品したアマチュア部門でダーク&チャンキー部門で銀賞。 その後、照準をプロ部門に合わせ、2019年、2020年には銀賞を受賞。

After initially entering the amateur division, I received a Silver Award in 2018, Subsequently, through trial and error, and aligning our focus with the professional category,We were able to secure Silver Awards in 2019 and 2020.


This led us to develop the combination of summer oranges and yuzu, We are proud to have received the Gold Award consecutively for three years in 2021, 2022, and 2023!

We invite you to savor the It's Garden Marmalade and experience its exceptional quality.